Glampaluza - Your Ultimate Glamping Guide

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Bat Box Bonanza: Homes for Nature's Bug Repellants

Got a hankering to amp up your glampsite in an unexpected way? Then pull up a camp chair and prepare for a bit of a shock. We're not talking about solar showers or hanging lanterns. Nope, we're venturing into the fascinating world of...wait for it...bats! You heard right, folks, those silent night-time superheroes that flutter around under the stars.

First, we’ll extol the virtues of these bug-noshing creatures, then we’ll go into how you can provide welcoming accommodations for them on your property… DIY if you’re up for it, or a DFY recommendation.

Bats: Glamping’s Unlikely Heroes

So you’re probably thinking, why on earth would I want bats hovering around my gorgeous glampsite? Well, let's start by saying bye-bye to those pesky mosquitos and hello to an enchanting twilight spectacle! Not to mention, you're doing your part for the environment. Intrigued? Thought you might be!

Here’s why you might want to welcome bats to your glampsite or backyard:

An All-Natural Bug Zapper: Who needs chemical sprays when you've got bats? These critters can scoff down hundreds, heck, thousands of pesky insects in a single night. Think of it as having your own airborne, all-natural pest control squad.

Goodbye Pesticides: With your newfound winged guardians keeping the bugs in check, you can bid farewell to those yucky pesticides. The result? Healthier soil, cleaner water, and a safer environment for you, your pets, and the local wildlife.

Gardeners of the Night: But don't think bats are all about the bugs. Some of them are also nocturnal green thumbs, pollinating plants and spreading seeds as they flutter around. The cherry on top? They can even help your fruit trees prosper!

The Eco-Balance Keepers: By gobbling up insects and sprinkling plant love, bats are eco-warriors, helping to keep the balance of local ecosystems. They're pretty much the gardeners you never knew you needed!

Nature’s Nightly Spectacle: Ever thought of wildlife spotting in your own backyard? Well, bats can provide an enchanting twilight show, making them the star attraction of any glampsite. You'll be the talk of the town with your very own bat cinema!

Learning with the Winged Wonders: These fascinating critters aren't just handy for pest control and garden care. Bats are subjects of much scientific interest, helping us learn about everything from sound waves to disease resistance. Imagine turning your backyard into a living biology class for the kids or the kid inside you!

Guardians of the Bats: Last but not least, by welcoming bats onto your property, you're not just getting a pest-free, educational, and entertainment-rich environment. You're also playing a crucial role in bat conservation. Many of these species are endangered, and by offering a safe home, you're helping protect them for generations to come. Talk about a win-win situation!

Building a Bat Haven

Picture this: You're reclining in a comfy chair, toasting marshmallows on a fire, and instead of swatting away relentless mosquitos, you're watching an aerial show provided by nature's very own pest controllers. The catch? You’ll need to spruce up your place with bat-friendly bells and whistles. Think native plants, cosy bat houses, and yes, the right kind of flowers. But hang on, isn’t that what glamping’s all about? Creating that perfect blend of nature, comfort, and something a little bit special?

Build Your Own Bat House

And let's talk about these bat houses. Imagine adorable mini cabins, nestled among the trees. Dark, cozy, and perfectly designed for our winged visitors. Constructed from untreated wood, they’re the perfect hideaway for the day's rest before a night of insect munching. And what's more, you get to play architect, creating these wildlife penthouses.

Well, aren't you a trooper ready to roll up your sleeves for our furry little friends? Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of building a bat-tastic box. Trust me, it's easier than you think, and I'll walk you through every step. Now grab your toolkit, let's do this!

First, your shopping list.

You’ll need a sheet of untreated, rough-sawn plywood (don't go for treated wood, our bat buddies aren’t fans of chemicals), 1x2s for the landing pad, exterior-grade screws, and dark, water-based stain. Grab some caulk while you’re at it.

Now, time to play architect and builder.

Your bat box dimensions should ideally be about 24 inches tall and 16 inches wide. Bats like their home to be cozy but spacious, just like us, right? Once you've measured and marked your plywood, saw away, my friend!

After you've got your backboard ready, it's time to give our bat buddies some chambers to move around in. Cut your plywood to make several dividers that are 1-2 inches apart. The more chambers, the merrier! Your bat buddies will appreciate the extra room.

Next up, fashion yourself a landing pad using the 1x2s. This will be placed at the bottom of the box, providing a perfect place for the bats to land and crawl up into their new cozy home.

Now, put it all together! Screw your dividers onto your backboard, creating a sort of bat condo. The caulk comes into play here. Run a bead along each joint to make sure the box is airtight, protecting the bats from wind and rain. Once you're done assembling, slap on a coat or two of that dark, water-based stain. Dark colors retain heat and our winged friends love a warm and toasty home.

Perfect placement on your property.

Just before you start daydreaming about your new guests, remember to mount your masterpiece at least 15 feet high. Bats love a good view, you know. And avoid trees - they’re a highway for predators. Instead, mount it on the side of a building or on a pole, making sure it gets at least 6-7 hours of sunlight.

And voila! You’ve just built a bat haven. Step back, admire your work, and wait for dusk. Your new neighbors should be moving in soon, ready to repay you with nightly bug control and, of course, hours of bat-watching fun. Go on, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve earned it!

Or, Just Buy One!

Your New BatBNB? #ad

This bat house isn't just a box; it's a finely crafted 'Batbnb' that has swung open its doors for the night dwellers. It’s sturdy, well-built, and visually appealing. You might be a little concerned about it becoming a 'bat cave of horrors', but the bats seem to be polite tenants so far.

The bats take to it quicker than a vampire to a blood bank. Their nightly exodus provides an enchanting spectacle and keeps your mosquito population in check, making evenings on the patio or around the campfire far more pleasant.

As they say, 'Build it, and they will come.' But with this bat house, it's more like 'Mount it, and they will roost.' For those considering a leap into the batty world of chiropterology, this is the fastest way to give bat hosting a try.

When you buy through my affiliate link, you not only provide housing for your new bug-eating friends, but you also help my batbnb grow, too! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Maintaining Your Bat Habitat

Now, this isn't a set it and forget it deal. If you're serious about being a bat host, then you've got to keep an eye on your mini bat lodges. After all, even bats appreciate a well-maintained abode. Keeping the area around your bat houses tidy and ensuring they stay in good condition will keep your winged guests coming back season after season.

The Bat-Signal is Calling You!

So, ready to add ‘bat landlord’ to your glamping repertoire? Go on, give it a whirl! I promise, inviting Batman to your glampsite will bring more excitement, less bug bites, and hey, even your eco-credentials will get a boost! Go on, do your bit for these incredible creatures and who knows, you might even score a superhero thank you note from Batman himself! Who can resist that, right?

If you've still got some questions about all this batty business, no worries! We've got a handy FAQ section that'll help clear up any lingering doubts.


Why are bat houses important for the environment?

Bat houses provide a safe home for bats, which are crucial to ecosystems as they eat pesky insects that damage crops and gardens, pollinate plants, and promote biodiversity.

How effective are bat houses at attracting bats?

Bat houses can be highly effective when designed correctly and placed in suitable locations, taking into account factors such as dimensions, materials, sun exposure, proximity to water sources, and vegetation. Follow best practices from credible sources like Bat Conservation International to maximize success.

How can you protect a bat house?

To protect your bat house from predators and harsh weather conditions, elevate it at least 12-20 feet above ground level, mount it on poles or buildings instead of trees, add predator guards or baffles if necessary, and maintain the structure by repairing any damages caused by weather exposure.

Are there any downsides to having a bat house?

The main concern with having a bat house is potential guano buildup beneath it, but this can be mitigated through regular maintenance such as placing tarps or trays below the structure for easy cleaning. Additionally, some people may worry about disease transmission, but risks can be minimized through responsible management practices.


Want to help the environment and get rid of pests in your glampsite or backyard? Build a bat house! Attract bats to your garden by planting native flowers and trees, choosing moth host plants, and using light-colored flowers.

But don't just build any old bat house - make sure it's made of optimal materials and has specific dimensions to ensure success. Keep your bat house in tip-top shape by monitoring and maintaining it, trimming back foliage, and using visual observations to make adjustments.

Remember… bats can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour - that's some serious pest control!

So what are you waiting for? Get building and help out our furry flying friends!

Need some inspiration? Check out this guide from the National Wildlife Federation.