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Waterproof Fire Starter: The Tiny Tool Every Glamper and Glampsite Needs Most

The Easiest Glamping Hack Ever: Add A Waterproof Fire Starter To Your Setup

If there’s one thing every glamper and glampsite needs, it’s a reliable fire starter. And not just any fire starter – a waterproof one.

Why? Because even the most well-prepared glamper can get caught in a sudden downpour, and you don’t want your fire starting efforts to go up in smoke (literally).

Enter the Waterproof Fire Starter: the tiny but mighty tool that will help you get your campfire going no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

Here’s everything you need to know about this essential piece of glamping gear:

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What is a fire starter? Only the easiest way to get a campfire going!

A fire starter is any device that helps to create a spark in order to ignite the fuel and start a fire. Fire starters are essential for those who find themselves in outdoor or emergency situations, due to their ability to ignite fuel even in wet or extreme weather conditions. Fire starters are often included in disaster kits, providing an additional layer of security and safety when outdoors. Different types of fire starters offer varying levels of effectiveness, so it's important for campers and hikers to select the best option for their needs and budget.

How do you use and maintain a waterproof fire starter correctly?

Step 1: Choose the right fire starter for your needs

Different types of waterproof fire starters can be used in different applications. It is important to use fire starting fundamentals and safety precautions when building a fire with these products. 

Some common types of waterproof fire starters include wax-based, flint-based, magnesium, and ferrocerium rods. 

  • Wax-based firestarters are typically easy to light even in damp conditions due to the paraffin wax coating. 

  • Flint-based starters rely on sparks generated from striking the flint against metal or stone. 

  • Magnesium blocks contain shavings that produce hot sparks when scraped off with a knife or ferro rod as well as an igniting agent for easier lighting. 

  • Ferrocerium rods create hot sparks by quickly scraping them down the length of the rod with a knife blade or other object such as rocks or coins throughout and require minimal effort for successful ignition.

Step 2: Read the instructions and safety warnings for your fire starter

It is important to read the instructions and safety warnings for a fire starter in order to use it safely and effectively. Knowing how the product works, as well as any potential risks associated with it, can help ensure that a user has a successful experience when starting a fire in various conditions.

Step 3: Prepare your fire 

The first step is to gather a tinder of some kind, such as feathers. sticks, birch bark, or fatwood. Once the tinder has been collected, it should be placed on top of the fire starter material so that it can easily catch flame when lit. 

To light the fire starter material, use an ignition source such as a match or lighter. Be sure to keep the area around the lit firestarter clear of any flammable materials or debris that could potentially ignite if exposed to direct heat from an open flame. 

Finally, once the tinder has been ignited by the waterproof fire starter material it will need regular fuel added in order for it to keep burning until a larger campfire has been started.

Step 4: Store your outdoor fire starter correctly

The proper storage of a fire starter is essential for its safe and efficient use. If it is not stored correctly, the fire starter can be damaged or rendered useless due to extreme weather conditions or other external factors. 

To store a fire starter properly, it should be:

Stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight to avoid heat damage. It should also be placed in an airtight container to protect it from moisture damage. This will ensure that the fire starter remains reliable and ready for use when needed.

Step 5: Check your fire starter occasionally for wear and tear

It is important to check a fire starter for wear and tear in order to ensure its reliability when needed. Regular inspections can help identify any issues or damage that may have occurred over time, thereby increasing the chances of successful ignition when the fire starter is in use. Proper care and maintenance can also extend the life of the fire starter, saving money in the long run.

Step 6: Replace your fire starter when it no longer works properly

It is important to replace a fire starter when it is no longer working properly, as this is essential for survival in the wilderness. Having a reliable source of ignition can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation, so it is necessary to ensure that any fire starter used by hikers or campers works effectively. It may be difficult to determine when a fire starter has become unreliable, but signs that indicate replacement may be needed include difficulty igniting or failure to adequately light even when dry.

Step 7: Dispose of your fire starter responsibly

It is important to dispose of fire starter responsibly in order to protect the environment. Firestarter that is not disposed of correctly can cause damage and pollution in the wild, so it should always be done with caution. Furthermore, having extra fire starter sticks on hand ensures that hikers do not run out during their trip, saving them time and energy in the long run.

What features should you look for when buying a waterproof firestarter?


When choosing a waterproof fire starter, it's important to look for materials that will be reliable even in wet or extreme conditions. QuickSurvive and FireFlame are two great examples of products that offer waterproof performance with their paraffin wax construction. Both of these brands are lightweight, easy to light and perfect for camping, survival, backpacking or other outdoor activities that require reliable fire starters.


A combustion fire starter is a type of fire starter that uses paraffin wax and other combustible materials to ignite a flame. It is an ideal choice for waterproof fire starters because it does not get easily extinguished by water or wind, making it perfect for camping, survival, backpacking and extreme weather conditions.


Durability is an important feature to consider when buying a waterproof fire starter because it ensures that the product will remain reliable in even the toughest, wet and windy conditions. The ability of a waterproof fire starter to withstand the elements without losing its effectiveness makes it an ideal choice for camping, survival, backpacking and extreme weather conditions. 


The quality of a waterproof firestarter is directly related to its price. The higher the price, the better quality the firestarter will be. Lower-priced options are generally less reliable and may not perform as expected in extreme weather conditions. When shopping for a waterproof fire starter, it is important to take into consideration not only the cost but also the features that can make or break its performance during use.


What are the best waterproof fire starters?

QuickSurvive fire starters are widely regarded as the best waterproof fire starters for camping, survival, backpacking, and extreme weather conditions. The FireFlame fire starter is also highly recommended for its ease of use and reliability in wet or dry conditions.

What are the main features of the best waterproof fire starters?

They are an excellent choice for camping, survival, backpacking and extreme weather conditions. The best starters are waterproof, making it reliable under any condition. Some come with a compass and whistle to provide extra features in case of emergency. And the best kind lights up quickly with a good size flame to get the cooking fire going instantly. Look for one that:

  • Is lightweight and convenient to carry in any kit so it’s perfect for anyone who wants to get a cooking fire started quickly under any conditions

  • Is extremely easy to light and burns with a good size flame for getting a fire going

  • Comes with some handy extra features such as a compass and whistle, making it an excellent choice for any emergency kit

What are the different types of waterproof fire starters?

Waterproof fire starters come in a variety of types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages: 

  • The most common type is the battery and steel wool method, which is easy to use but requires strong lungs. 

  • Fire pistons and flint & steel kits offer reliable portability for backpacking or emergency situations such as during hurricanes, earthquakes, or power outages. 

  • Wood friction methods like bow drills, hand drills, plows and fire saws are also used for starting a fire. These require some manual labor but the results can be rewarding when it comes to sparking a flame in difficult circumstances.

What is the starting price of the best waterproof fire starters?

There's a range of prices, of course. As hubby always says... "Buy once, cry once."

Here's one you can get for free (plus shipping and handling).


It is important to consider the best waterproof fire starter products when planning a glamping, camping, survival, backpacking or extreme weather conditions adventure.